Here’s some pics of my latest build. I’ve posted questions and pics on other threads. Gluing of neck beam, fret spacing calculation and fretboard material are already posted.
Neck has Bruce Johnson design DASR trussrod with carbon back strap. Neck beam is 21-piece maple. Body is alder.
For this build I wanted tuners that are oriented like on Kubickis. They are Riviera tuner bridges from Italy. They need pretty precise routing and drilling. I made the template in Inkscape and cut it with laser.
There was discussion about neck laminates and how they look if they sort of end in the middle of the neck. I think they look just fine.
I think I have to route the neck cavity a bit deeper. I fear that I don’t have enough height adjustment the way the neck sits now.
Next thing is fretting, routing saddle slots and making string clamps to the ”headstock”. Then I can test assemble the bass and make the d-tuner lever.
Neck has Bruce Johnson design DASR trussrod with carbon back strap. Neck beam is 21-piece maple. Body is alder.
For this build I wanted tuners that are oriented like on Kubickis. They are Riviera tuner bridges from Italy. They need pretty precise routing and drilling. I made the template in Inkscape and cut it with laser.
There was discussion about neck laminates and how they look if they sort of end in the middle of the neck. I think they look just fine.
I think I have to route the neck cavity a bit deeper. I fear that I don’t have enough height adjustment the way the neck sits now.
Next thing is fretting, routing saddle slots and making string clamps to the ”headstock”. Then I can test assemble the bass and make the d-tuner lever.