I can't believe this up-roar about spelling. I'm over 55, not only is English my first language, other than music, it's my only language. I could probably score in the top 2% on any college level spelling test so, don't judge my lack of typing skills with my ability to spell! I don't play music perfectly and I do occasionally misspell a word here and there. More likley, (see there, i got in a hurry and mispelled likely)I made a typo.
If the rest of the people here on this forum, which, BTW Chris, is NOT yours, you are only the moderator and if you think you OWN this forum, you better check your stock options, resign or quit throwing your weight around!
Anyway, if you are all so high up and mighty about the spelling, I am not interested in frequenting this site any longer.
If you want perfect spelling, incorporate a "Spell check" into the "post".
I've been in a lot of other forums and guys get teased about their spelling if it is awful all the time but I have yet to see a moderator/owner of a forum get all up over misspelled words.
Chris, if it is your choice to lock me out of this forum for questioning your comments and ownership, plese feel free to do so. 'Cause honestly, I DON'T GIVE A RAT'S Hiney, or is it hinney, hineie eieio ?