NBD Mike Lull TP5 (Ash/Ebony/Nordstrand Big Singles)

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Please write me and tell me how you like it.
I'm stoked for You...I have a M5V as well wired in series...Its my 'Rock' Jazz and sound-men (sound people now a days) love it.

Do these come wired in series or parallel standard, or is series an option?
I really don't know too much about Lull's specs and options!
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Do these come wired in series or parallel standard, or is series an option?
I really don't know too much about Lull's specs and options!
Its something I did afterwards actually...I put in a 4 way switch
To be honest I run all the other basses in parallel.
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DSC_0085 2.jpg
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I'm waiting to see that photo on the website.
That might be a little while since the holidays are my busy season and I'm totally slammed.
The photo session I did was a gentlemans deal that is propriatry to Bass Musician Magazine. However I hope to have a new session before NAMM and I also will be roating with Brian, Jeff, ect on the front page. (I'm very lucky)
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Very nice bass! Reminds me a lot of my Sadowsky modern except for the 35" scale and the control layout.

I'm very intrigued by the Nordy Big Singles. Have you had any issues with single coil hum? My pickups are spaced very similar to yours and 99% of the time I have the pan knob in center. But every once in awhile I may pan it slightly to the back or front pickup depending on what I'm going for.
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Very nice bass! Reminds me a lot of my Sadowsky modern except for the 35" scale and the control layout.

I'm very intrigued by the Nordy Big Singles. Have you had any issues with single coil hum? My pickups are spaced very similar to yours and 99% of the time I have the pan knob in center. But every once in awhile I may pan it slightly to the back or front pickup depending on what I'm going for.
Hi Phillip
I have not actually...I have a few basses with Big Singles and have no issue.

Actually with this one I disabled the panpot and I'm now running it in series.
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Beautiful bass and I like the Avanti pickup position. What about ash/ebony vs ash/maple? Are the highs a bit smoother?
Thats a good way of describing it...There is also a slightly tighter sound so-to-speak that I find with ebony over other fret board woods.
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