NBD (to me) Pawn Shop Score!

Thanks all for the congrats! I'm very happy with it. Might be my new #1, depending on how it does in a live band setting...

Took the old strings off, which had some dents in them from getting knocked around. You can see marks on the E, A and D strings in between the J pup and the bridge in the photo of the front of the body. Although the E string doesn't show it in that photo, there was a real dent in it, from something. Put on some Slinky 50-105s, cleaned up the fretboard with a damp cloth, then rubbing alcohol, then re-moisturized with mineral oil. Tweaked the truss rod just a hair. Fixed the intonation. Sanded the back of the neck to knock the sticky gloss down. Got a wide Levy strap and some Schaller strap-locks.
Fixed the battery lead. Same VVT controls as in passive mode, but spiced up with a dash of active sauce...

Feels like a race car!
Now I've got to improve my technique to make the most of it! ;)
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