All the links under "Some How To's" seem to be broken. Hopefully they can get back up soon, they were extremely helpful.
You can usually find designs online and then just print one off to scale and copy it onto your headstock. Sometimes a slightly custom shape will help it fit onto some headstocks...TELECASTER HEADSTOCK. Is there a pattern available to trim down a standard Fender Bass headstock to a Telecaster shape? I'm planning a Tele Bass build and have standard necks available.
Nice forum, lots of helpful information here. Thanks.
As far as I know, 1.75" is a fairly common thickness for a bass body. Last bass I built is very close to that thickness and it plays just fine.If I make a body blank that is 1.5 inches thick from white ash and cover it with bigleaf curly maple that is 0.25 inches thick, would that be Ok for a body blank or should it be thicker?
Thanks for your help Richter! I appreciate it.1.75" is plenty thick enough for a body. Some folks go down to 1.25- 1.5".
Just know that a white ash body that thick, with a maple top will be on the heavy side.
What shape/body style are you going for?
Thanks for your help! I appreciate it.As far as I know, 1.75" is a fairly common thickness for a bass body. Last bass I built is very close to that thickness and it plays just fine.