Okay so a little background info: I just got into pedals about a year ago and have been constantly GAS-ing and agonizing over which ones to get ever since. I'm pretty happy with my lineup as of now...
Fender P Bass > Polytune > EHX Freeze > TC Sub n Up > Tomkat Violet Muffer > Darkglass Alpha Omicron > Tech 21 BDDI V2 > Genz Benz 3.0 and Hartke Hydrive 112
...except for the Violet Muffer. I find that the mid range is weak and gets lost behind the band, and, though this doesn't matter that much to me in the band context, it doesn't really play nice with my other pedals no matter how the signal chain is set up (sounds really messy unless on its own). I play in an indie-rock band (we've been compared to Weezer, The Shins, Lord Huron, Arcade Fire, Fleet Foxes) that rarely gets really heavy, so the fuzz is mostly for me to beef up parts of many songs, as well as provide more texture to when the bass line is more exposed. So I turn to you TB'ers. What fuzz do you think would fit in this scenario? (Budget is flexible, but I doubt I'd be willing to go over $300 for a pedal) Appreciate the help!
Fender P Bass > Polytune > EHX Freeze > TC Sub n Up > Tomkat Violet Muffer > Darkglass Alpha Omicron > Tech 21 BDDI V2 > Genz Benz 3.0 and Hartke Hydrive 112
...except for the Violet Muffer. I find that the mid range is weak and gets lost behind the band, and, though this doesn't matter that much to me in the band context, it doesn't really play nice with my other pedals no matter how the signal chain is set up (sounds really messy unless on its own). I play in an indie-rock band (we've been compared to Weezer, The Shins, Lord Huron, Arcade Fire, Fleet Foxes) that rarely gets really heavy, so the fuzz is mostly for me to beef up parts of many songs, as well as provide more texture to when the bass line is more exposed. So I turn to you TB'ers. What fuzz do you think would fit in this scenario? (Budget is flexible, but I doubt I'd be willing to go over $300 for a pedal) Appreciate the help!