perfect. i'm on the right track then. i'll get both. now, putting them both 2 darkstars and 1 mudbucker in thesame bass... too much string pull?A Darkstar" Bisonic pickup and a mudbucker are totally opposite pickups.
i believe. i have a pile of project baritones and basses and only one of them am i considering a different make.I've had several Novak pickups and they were all money well invested.
You'd think,
If you ... are fine with the bass haveing virtually no resale value,...With the price you paid, you might actually come close to breaking even reselling the better pickups and the bass (in original condition) separately.
i was totally joking about resale value. like i said early, i got it b-stock for $150-180. it totally was an, apparently bad, joke. i'm not sold on the thunderbird pickups. even the boutique ones. if i was really going to piano sounds, i think i would got to maybe qtuners. but i really dig the idea of darkstars and mudbuckers in the same bass as long as there isn't a bunch of string pull to deaden the ring of the string