NPD Southampton Ictineo

I got mines, also PLL

@DirtyDuke They're not even showing up on the Southampton website... was this a TB preorder or what?
Guess I missed the boat on that one. Is there a Southampton thread I should start following?

Sorry Hamish is in Saudi Arabia on business so we deactivated the shop til he gets back.

Once the new Icenteos are built we will post a notice.

Thanks for the interest!!!
I have a huge issue but I think Hamish meant well....but....

I requested #007, and got #014. This is an ootrage.

I think he was like, oh he wants 7, eh? Let give him twice the amount, it's 2x as cool as 007!

Thankfully this thing is amazing so I'll overlook this absolutely massive oversight. I spent about half an hour going through it and's just absolutely lovely. Build quality is fantastic, not a hiss to be heard...I'm in love with it already.

View attachment 1062882


Sorry #7 was requested 3 or 4 times. Hope the pedal is still ok :)