I haven't got round to moving it yet, probably a job for the weekend as got a busy week this week. However, I'll be measuring 30" from nut to G saddle fully extended in action. If that doesn't work then it appears I have small black hole in the vicinity!
A happy ending!!
It's 18:55 over here in Blighty (Limey land) and I repositioned the bridge at exactly 30" from nut to G saddle at full intonation extension. Before I did the bridge, I spent a while setting it up, filing the nut, witness points until it was spot on in terms of a good set up. Still had the problem, but I knew we had a good base to start with. I moved the bridge last night but it was gettin late and I was tired so took it up again this evening. I used the time this evening to fit a new pickup and test it, before restringing it.
Well, thanks to all of you who commented on the original problem, looks like I was out with the positioning. I'm not going to diss the bloke on the YT vid I posted earlier in this thread, it all makes sense but perhaps I may have took him at his word rather than that of common sense, and perhaps his vid is for fullscale basses? Dunno.
Anyway, it's behaving as it should at the 5th fret and open string above, so that's a win!
Not yet had time to do a new set up and witness points - had to rush on here first to thank you all, - but more than confident it'll be as good as it's going to get.
It's just a cheap Bronco, but it has a lot of sentimental attachment for me, it was my son's and that's worth more to me than any Dingwall or top end guitar.
So thank you all, sincerely.
As we say in the world of metric places, probs you guys say this too? - "Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!"
So thank you all again, I declare this post "CASE CLOSED"