Official Barefaced Bass Cab Club

The word is out, my S12T will ship coming week!


And there you go, fresh out of the box :hyper:

Updated BFB cab club members list!

alexclaber #1
Stumbo #2
Trickster #3
nevp #5
Russell L #6
CTC564 #7
Menno #8
Essen #9
king_arthur1953 #10
pogipoints #11
Jools4001 #12
electriccheese #13
PlungerModerno #14v
eupharies #15
pantherairsoft #16
Clarky72 #17
rar plar #18
KirkyUK #19
grunge666 #20
Fretless5verfan #21
jefkebass #22v
K73 #23
Dark Barn #24
ead #25
kringle77 #26
Pbassred #27
Im actually going to be #3 in line. Yeah, I can set the old svt on it but, I'll be gigging with my shuttlemax 9.2. I was really hoping to get this cab while the weather is nice so that I can bring it outside and turn it up with my amps. I have a feeling that wont' happen though. Im still very much looking forward to it.
I like the sound a lot, or perhaps more accurately the relative absence of a specific sound. To compare these with my previous tc rs 212 and 210 is not easily done, as the tc boxes have a very distinct own voice, in a wooly treble-shy kind of way.
These two are much the opposite, open, full and with relatively little coloration.
I like the builds a lot too, the feel and look is great and the attention to detail in design is impressive.
Ok I am in the USA and hearing much less playing through a 12T is about as likely as hitting the lottery. Any chance someone can do a YouTube post or post a link to a sound track? It would be really nice to hear a side by side with say a Berg or Genz Benz cabinet.

Here I'm playing through my S12T, but the sound quality is pretty bad. For reference, I'm covering this jam (80-100 people) with a Markbass F1 at 1/4 of his power, the S12 have a lot of sensitivity.