I remember reading the BXR-series amps were designed by one of the older Ampeg design engineers that'd moved on to working for Fender. I cant remember his name, but I remember him posting some pretty cool info about the BRX amps here in the amp section like around 10 years ago.
I bought a used BXR 300 rack-head for $100 from an old Pawn shop that was liquidating/going outta business like 20 years ago. I wasn't ever very impressed with it as a bass head, but it's still working & faithfully serving duty as a poweramp for one of the vocal monitors in my home studio. I just patch into it's fx-return jack.
I bought a used BXR 300 rack-head for $100 from an old Pawn shop that was liquidating/going outta business like 20 years ago. I wasn't ever very impressed with it as a bass head, but it's still working & faithfully serving duty as a poweramp for one of the vocal monitors in my home studio. I just patch into it's fx-return jack.
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