Peavey T-40 on Facebook Market Place


Jan 12, 2016
Southwest Florida
Peavey T-40 that I seen on Facebook Market Place.. I want one but they’ve become so collectable that I can’t justify the cost.

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It’s weird how things suddenly become valuable. I remember when they first came out and kind of flopped. Until recently you could get them for $400 or so , then it just took off. They sound great, and really versatile, but HEAVY. I think that’s what turned me off back in the Day. The G&L L2k is comparable as far as versatility, and can still be had used for a bit less.
It’s weird how things suddenly become valuable. I remember when they first came out and kind of flopped. Until recently you could get them for $400 or so , then it just took off. They sound great, and really versatile, but HEAVY. I think that’s what turned me off back in the Day. The G&L L2k is comparable as far as versatility, and can still be had used for a bit less.

Two very different basses, but I agree the L2000 is a lot of bass for the money! My first new bass was an L1000 from way back. Amazing instrument.
Yeah, both kind of the “Swiss Army Knife” of basses, not perfect emulations of anything else, but damn close. I can get most of the basic P, J, and even Ric tones out of my L2k. The T-40 is kind of famous for copping a Ric tone. I remember a friend having a T-40 when I had my 4001, hard to tell the difference with the treble cranked. The T-40 had a better bottom end.
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Its on facebook market place - the person is asking $650 free shipping

$650 is a good price including OHSC, somebody is gonna scoop that up quick!

That, to me is a very fair price for that bass. True, they used to be much cheaper, but the cat is out of the bag on those basses! I’ve never heard a passive bass with so many usable sounds for what I like. A buddy described its baseline tone as ‘kind of a cross between a Ric and a Gibson Ripper’ and I get that for sure. The reason I sold mine is because I felt my Drake with TV Jones Thunder’Blade pickups was getting me into similar enough territory and is a much lighter instrument. Andrew Drake, at my request, modeled the neck of my bass after the T-40 neck. Keep in mind, the Drake was close to $3k!

All that said, though I’ll never sell my Drake, I wish I hadn’t sold my T-40 either. I’ve often considered grabbing another one and having a lighter replacement body made.
atc, that's a v fair price, these can still be had below collector prices.
they'll will always be heavy-ish and unsexy, but great as a tool.
comparable to a L2K in versatility? mine isn't versatile at all.

For the most part, the ‘versatile’ thing is lost on me anyway. I feel like every bass has one thing it does best. Once I find that one thing, it pretty much stays there. For tone shaping on different tunes, I just switch between pick, fingers and the side of my thumb. Just my experience, not knocking the ‘Swiss Army Bass’ thing at all.
The only exception was my T-40. I switched between single coil and humbucker a bit
I played one of these back in my early 20’s with about 5 years playing bass at the time and I’m 50 years old now.. I never have forgotten the versitility of this bass.. back in the day it was ugly to look at but today it’s a good looking bass.

I agree! When they came out I thought they were hideous! Now, they just look a tad quirky to me :)
For the most part, the ‘versatile’ thing is lost on me anyway. I feel like every bass has one thing it does best. Once I find that one thing, it pretty much stays there. For tone shaping on different tunes, I just switch between pick, fingers and the side of my thumb.
yes, lots of variety in the hands, but the common 1 bass 1 sound standard drives me nuts altho I luv the endless search and discoveries! fortunately, there's plenty to go around for all our tastes.
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yes, lots of variety in the hands, but the common 1 bass 1 sound standard drives me nuts altho I luv the endless search and discoveries! fortunately, there's plenty to go around for all our tastes.

Absolutely! On all of my two pickup basses, I tend to run the front pickup full tilt and the bridge pickup is the variable, depending on how much bite I think I need, but that’s pretty much it. I don’t think my way is ‘the’’s just what I seem to do for some reason
Absolutely! On all of my two pickup basses, I tend to run the front pickup full tilt and the bridge pickup is the variable, depending on how much bite I think I need, but that’s pretty much it. I don’t think my way is ‘the’’s just what I seem to do for some reason
that's the norm, probably, I always want the option to blend the PUs but gotta have that girth!