Yeah, I'm in the if everything works and checks out, buy it camp.
Unless it's one of those 14lb beasts. I have an early G&L L2KE that weighs just under 11 lbs. Doesn't bother me in my shoulder but I do feel it in my lower back the next day compared to the rest of my basses. That late 70's early 80's time frame it was pretty common for bases to have the weight in those ranges.
Doesn't stop me from playing it, 11lbs is one thing. 14 is another matter entirely.
Same here, on all counts.
If it checks out, it's easily flippable for profit if it doesn't bond. I would have jumped on this in a heartbeat because it also ticks three big buying points for me: it's $300 or less, black, and different from everything else I own. The T40 is a pretty unique instrument, it's pickup placement has the neck pickup just south of where you find a Tele bass, Mudbucker EB0 or Ric, and the bridge pickup is in between where you would find a Jazz bridge pickup or a Stingray pickup, pretty close to where a Ric bridge pickup lives.
My heaviest basses are my 72 Jazz at 10 pounds, 12 ounces and an 83 G&L El Toro at 10 pounds, 1 ounce. Neither hurts to play as they are nicely balanced, as the T40 is, too. I read a story that Chip Todd and Hartley Peavey both knew that lighter instruments were typically better in the long run, but they felt that they had to follow this obvious trend to produce heavy instruments because not only Fender and Gibson, but most companies at the time were doing so. Therefore, boat anchor ash was the order of the day to market the heavy=sustain belief. When Peavey started offering more solid colors, it didn't make as much sense to paint ash bodies, so they started using alder and poplar (and some maple), and the weights dropped a touch.
On a related note to the price of this T40... I really wanted a black T45, but when they rarely surfaced they were $400-600. I gave up on the hunt and just routed out my black Ibanez RB630 (which wasn't getting much use anymore) for a T pickup, got a Q filter and used some Peavey knobs and string tree I already had on hand to make a virtual one. Cost me about $125 to convert. Ticked my 3 boxes mentioned above!