Practicing Alone Poll

When you practice alone you?

  • Sit mostly

  • Stand mostly

  • I do both evenly

  • I eat carrots

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Dec 27, 2017
I've seen quite a few videos on-line recently where practice bass sitting down. This seems strange to me, for even when I practice alone I tend to stand rather than sit. So I thought this would be the obvious place to check if one way of practicing is favored. Hence, I've created a poll.

The question is when you are practicing alone do you sit, stand or evenly sit or stand?
I sit or stand or sometimes lie in bed. To me it doesn't make a lot of difference because it is the practising that is important, not how I do it.

The only time I will sometimes stand rather than sit is if I have to sing at the same time, and then only if I really have to "give it some" as it is very difficult to give it your all sitting down.
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Most of my practice time is learning songs. I stand and sit evenly.

If I am making a chart, or clicking around on the computer to go back a few bars or so I'm sitting.

But I can't sing worth a crap sitting. And I sing at least backups on almost all the songs I do. So once I get to the words I'm standing.