I’m pretty stoked on the Darkglass AOU. I just got pretty close to pulling the trigger on the Omicron but am thinking the extra functionality might make the big brother a better choice. I have a few specific questions that, if answered, would help me make my decision.
Firstly, it’s rated at 110 Ma draw. Is it safe to assume that one of the 100 Ma outputs on my isolated power supply will cut the mustard?
Secondly, if I already have some EQ in my chain is having the EQ control on the pedal going to make a large difference? I’m talking, active bass with high/low control. BOSS BASS EQ pedal at beginning of chain. Amp EQ. Am I going to be able to access some kind of secret sauce by having EQ tied directly to the distortion?.
Lastly is kind of signal chain related. Mostly as it pertains to the cab emulation and DI stuff. I keep my drives around the middle portion of my board, after octave stuff and before modulation/time effects. I feel like his could make using the DI awkward. Would I want to keep her at the end of the chain, or perhaps beginning? I have other DI options (Radial Tonebone, Markbass Heads). What might some of the implications for this be?
These are pretty specific and important questions that I have before pulling the trigger. I have trolled the forums for a bit but thought I might have better luck just throwing this up in a post.
I wouldn't feel comfortable running the AOU with a 100ma port. It could probably do it but you most likely get added noise.
It is most def beneficial to have that EQ that the AOU provides. It allows you to sculpt the dirt tone any way you want. If you know what each slider is doing there will be a plethora of huge dirt tones at your fingertips. The EQ is very powerful and effective. I came from the regular AO to the AOU and I really dig the added EQ points. Opens up whole new worlds of sounds.
I myself am still torn on placement. I still have my B7KU onboard on at all times and that has been my DI for a bit now. I really wanted to use the cab sim for live work but I tried the AOU last where my B7KU was and I didn't like the results as much as when the B7KU was at the end. Now that's with my setup. I have a few preamps going on so YMMV quite a bit. The only real way of knowing if it's going to work last for you is to physically try it. There are too many variables. But I do know this, I would feel very comfortable using the AOU as a clean pre at the end of my chain if the circumstances warranted it. The clean sound is great. Then when you want dirt added with the dirty side, just stomp