Rackmount premp options for home studio

Thank you Chris, for the tips and compliment. I have power strips covered with high end Trip-lite Iso-bars that I had to pull out from work after a flood. Perfectly good, but declared unsafe by the department of safety nuts who know nothing about electricity and water. Looking at the prosonus... I might end up going with a small ART tube pre/usb for now, as it can be tucked away out of sight and prevent embarrassment of getting beat up by a 100# Filipina! She's a good cook, nice looking, and her temporary insanity will go away when we go back to the Philippines to retire in a few years.

I have the plans for the full width rack if someone ever stumbles upon this thread and has the desire to build a WAF rack for home use only. As it stands now at half width, there are only two butt joints on the bottom; the racked gear gives it all the upper support. It looks warped in the pic, but that's just can distortion. With PL on the butt joints and gear in rack it's very solid. If we ship via boxes, I'll circsaw it into a shipping crate, if we can go shipping container, I'll roll it in right next to my machine shop. I had the wood and castors, so I have a full $20 bill in it for the rack rails. Unless someone asks for information, I'll shut my pie hole now, so as not to further detract from your thread and quest. Also going back to listen to the video with sound. I just have to hear what the UB sounds like!
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I would check the ART Pro Channel II. I have an older model made in Rochester that's now in its 20th year and I still use it every day. The new versions are a little more streamlined but still sound good and @ $300.00 not a big investment.