Double Bass Rescore!

So, my alchemy worked. All of these are usable and I'm enjoying the variety. Is it better than just using what I had?

No, but I've spent more time practicing arco over the last 3-4 days, so I suppose it was worth it.

I'm getting a really nice tone with that very hard gold stuff that I said I didn't like last time. And I do love the really fine powder that comes from the Carlsson. The polar opposite of Pops in that regard.
Everything Old is New Again.
Here is a batch of 25% 10 yr. old Pops, 25% 10yr. old Nymann's, and 50% 4 yr. old Wiedoeft.
It is prettay, prettay, fantastic.
Note: the silicone container below is from an ice cube tray ensemble, is a bit "thick", (stiff), but works just you can see.
Contrary to some Thread titles in this Forum, I NEVER throw out any rosin(s).
Everything Old is New Again.
Here is a batch of 25% 10 yr. old Pops, 25% 10yr. old Nymann's, and 50% 4 yr. old Wiedoeft.
It is prettay, prettay, fantastic.
Note: the silicone container below is from an ice cube tray ensemble, is a bit "thick", (stiff), but works just you can see.
Contrary to some Thread titles in this Forum, I NEVER throw out any rosin(s).
View attachment 5374869

Anyway... How do you find this special blend compares to the raw wiedoeft? Mine is only a year or so old, and I don't feel it needs to be Kaspered™ yet. But it kinda makes a fella wonder, don't it?

And thanks for the photo of a rolled-down ice cube cup. They do seem "thick but perhaps not unmanageably so."
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Anyway... How do you find this special blend compares to the raw wiedoeft?
It's a little less "gummy" than stock Wiedoeft, but is still easy to apply, as the track marks show in the photos I posted.
I'll have to see how it holds up over time, as most cakes tend to begin to dry out and gloss-over, making application less effective.
(I have a newer cake of (1 yr. old) Wiedoeft, that is still very usable, and on standby, in case I need something a bit softer and gummier.)
Thanks for your interest, Ryan.
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Beautifully simple. It looks like I need some silicone ice trays.

The soft oak I have is almost too gummy. I don't remember it being like that, I think it would be brilliant melted and mixed with something like Carlsons. The Kolstein is boring, that could made for some nice alchemy too.
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I ... Spent last night rehydrating and we'll see what I managed to salvage.
How? Just melt it in a microwave oven?

I'm migrating to double bass after 50 (amateur) years on the electric and half a dozen on a fretless acoustic bass guitar. I've purchased an eight year old bass and carbon fibre bow. I'm getting delightful tones from the G and D strings but struggle to get the A and E to start on the fundamental without putting a lot of pressure on the bow. My teacher gave me a tub of Pops' rosin until my own arrives. I'm wondering if it's a bit dry.
Any suggestions?

Thank you.
I did the microwave heat, but I had silicone cups to do it in. You don't want to make a mess with those Pop's Dixie cups.

You could put it in a Tupperware with a bottlecap full of alcohol based hand sanitizer, like Purell. Check on it in about 45 minutes, if it's soft,.scrap the top a bit, then take the Purell out and put the Rosin in the Tupperware in the freezer for 30 minutes.
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You could put it in a Tupperware with a bottlecap full of alcohol based hand sanitizer, ...
Oooh - that's the alcohol doing the work then.

I use IPA (isopropyl alchol), 70/30 (the 30 is the water percentage) for electronics cleaning. I put a few mm into the bottom of the Pots' tub and dropped the rosin in for ten minutes. The difference is astonishing. I can feel it gripping the hairs as I apply it to the bow. I can now get a proper start on any note on the A and E string with a relaxed grip on the French bow. I'll experiment some more with this to make sure that the remnants of the alcohol don't dissolve the rosin on the bow. I've tipped the IPA out of the tub for now to prevent over-softening.

Thank you very much for your prompt reply and tips.
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