In the 80s i bought a top of the line Reunion Blues leather gig bag. I think it cost me $385 in 1988. A very expensive bag in those days and they came with a lifetime warranty. I traveled all over the world with that bag. The straps wore out after 25 years, a million miles and a thousand gigs, and I called to have them replaced. Reunion Blues did not honor the warrenty stating, they don't make that model any longer and could not replace the straps. So much for the lifetime warranty. Instead, they offered a 20% discount on a new bag. While it's an outstanding product, the did not live up their promise of lifetime coverage. I replaced it with a Mono M80 bag. They also have a lifetime warranty. I have not had any issue and do not know for sure if they honor repair or replace policy. Reunion Blues doe not honor theirs. I hope that helps you in your decision-making process.