Double Bass Right Hammer to Tap Bridge Into Alignment

I've seen a luthier set bridges using a hammer and wood block. Strings were tensioned. I don't think you can set a bridge properly if the strings are loose because the string would likely move the bridge as you tension them. I'm not a luthier, but I've done enough wood working to know that you don't hit soft wood directly with a hammer unless you like dents. For bridge setting, I would use a wood block and a light hammer like an 8 ounce ball peen.
@Ben B, yes, but I'm wondering if there is a hammer with the right density of end so that one doesn't need the block of wood - that was my original supposition.

Do I get points for using the word "supposition?"

@Ben B, yes, but I'm wondering if there is a hammer with the right density of end so that one doesn't need the block of wood - that was my original supposition.-S-

A medium or soft density plastic face hammer would likely do it. I own one of these:

One of these give you more options for density:

The one issue I would have with using a hammer directly is that it's hard to get a good striking surface when the strings are on. A 3/8 or 1/2 inch block will fit between the A and D strings to give a better striking surface.
A medium or soft density plastic face hammer would likely do it. I own one of these:

One of these give you more options for density:

The one issue I would have with using a hammer directly is that it's hard to get a good striking surface when the strings are on. A 3/8 or 1/2 inch block will fit between the A and D strings to give a better striking surface.

Agreed About the striking surface, but even a block might have too large a footprint. I would opt for a 1/2" dowel about four inches long receiving repeated light blows from a small hammer until the bridge is back to true. My first choice for a hammer would be a rawhide mallet favored by leather workers.
If you live anywhere central, try this:

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