Actually, it has a B+ of 700 volts which isn't super high, the fender 300ps and 400ps push the power tubes with a transformer driven by a 6V6 in the 300 and a 6L6 in the 400. It pushes the tubes very hard but I've owned both and have another 400ps right now and on the bench they will put out the rated power clean when setup correctly.
That's interesting. When. I got it it wouldn't get very loud unless I put a Sansamp or some kind of boost to the input signal. A tech assured me it was putting out 310 watts and asked me " waddya want ? Hehe. I was still puzzled but then the tech at another store pointed out it had to have plugs in something to do with the output jacks in the back ?? ( don't remember details.) Anyway , that did the trick it was a monster.