It’s a shame I’m not more into lo-fi, it does all the pop, crackles and textures quite well. The new layout is great and the amount of control is just right without feeling cluttered. That said, I’ve always been a proponent of the Neuro app and look forward to being able to see what I’m doing, so to speak.
The first clip is my tweaked version of the Microtron preset, though I didn’t do a whole lot.
The chorus I made using the pitch vibrato. I also like to set the vibrato by itself to be really slow and deep, and this pedal does it at least as well as my H9, but I didn’t think you all would enjoy it as much as I do.
Looking forward to spending more time with the pedal and getting to use the mobile app. One last note is that while I’ve had very good luck using my other SA pedals without isolated power, this one definitely needs it, considering all it’s doing at any given moment. It’s very quiet once isolated though.