Welllllllll.... Just (finally) took the plunge and ordered an Edison. In blue, because everyone knows that blue sounds best.
My band spent the better part of yesterday working with our sound engineer to get a new digital mixer set up and going, and I was able to test out a few things related to several basses and pedalboard stuff. I decided it was finally time to give an Edison an actual try. I debated a bit between a Sushibox More and the Edison, but the Edison won because of my previous not-so-great experience with Sushi. I know a lot of people like Sushibox pedals and more power to him for all the ideas he's got, but posts from people having issues with SB stuff keep regularly popping up throughout the main SB thread as recently as a couple weeks ago... with the More. I guess I just don't have the same confidence in the More that I do with the Edison.
@2saddleslab - Dig that aluminum look on your Edison. I'm tempted to sand off the powdercoat when I get mine.
@JRA - have you had a chance to check yours out yet?