Show me your compact pedalboard setup


Not dense I acknowledge, I just don't own enough 1590A-sized pedals, but small. This was for a trial with a fusion power trio, hence the looper at the end for parts I double.
How do you like the Tarantula.
Well, I may not be the best to answer this because it is my first fuzz pedal but so far I really enjoy it! I play cleanish 90% of the time but like to drive the train off the tracks every now and then. To me it just sounds “smooth” even though it can get “super fuzzy” it is not harsh or biteing on my ears. (TI flats - Passive J, P, PJ basses) Lots of range and it plays well with the UA. Hope that helped a bit…
Well, I may not be the best to answer this because it is my first fuzz pedal but so far I really enjoy it! I play cleanish 90% of the time but like to drive the train off the tracks every now and then. To me it just sounds “smooth” even though it can get “super fuzzy” it is not harsh or biteing on my ears. (TI flats - Passive J, P, PJ basses) Lots of range and it plays well with the UA. Hope that helped a bit…
Thank you and yes that was helpful
hopefully this nano board of mine will fall in the right category and will now belong and make some people happy (hopefully) .Neural DSP Nano cortex-valve champ-omnicomp and tuner. This 4 pedal nano board powered by cioks should fit the bill.View attachment 7062296
That is BOTH small and compact, but I refuse to let it make me happy. ;) Impressive as always @darkhalf but I'm most impressed with the artwork on your arm. Like toes, I try to leave my sleeves out of my posted pics, but it's cool to see some ink in your pic.
That is BOTH small and compact, but I refuse to let it make me happy. ;) Impressive as always @darkhalf but I'm most impressed with the artwork on your arm. Like toes, I try to leave my sleeves out of my posted pics, but it's cool to see some ink in your pic.
thank you good sir. if i aint spending time with my kids and wife or working im either playing bass, turning pedal knobs, shootin in the range for USPSA matches or getting some ink done or alot times lurking in the TB threads and classifieds 😆 lol. but recent injury has taken me some time off it so i cant wait til full recovery and be back on the regular flow. been here for awhile and the TB community and my broughs has always kept me at bay and improve on alota stuff so im always grateful to ya’all. Cheers to a great weekend mr. @kazuhank.
I was trying out different transformer saturation, that one sounds good with it's copper transformer with digital stuff cause it cuts some highs.
Nice I knew there was something in it. I found it very very similar to the Acme Motown DI, just a little more vintage sounding than the Neve and Countryman I was trying at the moment.

Glad I have 2
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Over the weekend I flipped through the last 50 or so pages on this thread. I pretty much ignored the discussion and just looked at the images. There are so many cool boards here. Although there is a lot of variety, I noticed a few things that came up again and again.
  1. Compressors: Origin Effects Cali76 variants, Empress, or Lusithand Alma seem to be on every second board. Plenty of other compressors represented too but these three seem to be flavour of the month/year. I was a bit surprised to see so many of the new Cali76 Bass Comps. I'm guessing better metering wasn't the clincher that made everyone go out and buy one for the first time. I assume many previously owned a Cali76CB and though it was a worthwhile upgrade.
  2. Origin Effects, Sushibox, and Broughton must have done pretty well out of TB members. Effects from these brands are everywhere.
  3. The HX Stomp seem like a popular core device, often paired with a nice compressor (usually one of the options in point 1) and a DI (with Sushibox offerings or Origin Bass Rig as popular choices).
  4. The ever reliable Sansamp BDDI and Boss OC-2 still make plenty of appearances.
Just some random observations...
I compacted my 2nd board even more,
so this board can be signed off as done now.

First image is previous layout on a PT Nano+, second image is new layout on a Nano. Still all powered by a Cioks Sol.

Old layout:

New layout:

TC Nano Tuner -> Fuzzdog Tall Font Fuzz -> MXR BEF -> Schu-Tone Finn Chorus -> Schu-Tone FLOverdrive -> MXR BOD -> MXR Preamp

Add a couple of Barefoot Button Tallboys to make the switching more reasonable in the cramped conditions…plus a stacked Mooer switch topper for the tuner. The Barefoot buttons were necessary due to the Mooers not fitting the smaller SPST switches on the Schu-Tones…relay switching and all that.

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