Show Your Spoiled Dog Pictures.

Here is my "mostly" Australian Cattle Dog taking up most of the couch in the livingroom.

My fiance doesn't know you and she doesn't care, she now loves you. She is a Beagle fanatic. We lost one a year ago and have 2 new ones: well one is a true Beagle and the other has Beagle and more in her. We also have an Old English Bulldog and he is a our meatpocket.

That's very kind. Thank you for the love of these cool little dudes. They are the two most important people in my life. I wish more people could experience the joy of having a beagle or 2 in their lives.
That's very kind. Thank you for the love of these cool little dudes. They are the two most important people in my life. I wish more people could experience the joy of having a beagle or 2 in their lives.
Are you still in SoCal? If so you should move to Eagle Rock.
Then you could write the book "The Beagles of Eagle Rock".
That's very kind. Thank you for the love of these cool little dudes. They are the two most important people in my life. I wish more people could experience the joy of having a beagle or 2 in their lives.

Yeah beagles are the best. I walk out the front door to get the mail and walk back in twenty seconds later and mine greets me like I been gone a month.
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This is Cody. He is otherwise known as Mr Dog and World's Best Dog (WBD for short). He has been given the second nickname both by people who know dogs and know Best when they see him, and by people who truly do not like dogs but are amazed at how good this one is. It's not in dispute.

What's also not in dispute is that he is a very odd dog. He has been from the start. I gave up years ago on trying to figure him out. One of his quirks is that at the house where he lived for the first 9 years of his life, he would only eat in the laundry room and only drink on the landing (split-level house). Eventually we convinced him that having his food and water dishes in the same place was ok, but it HAD to be the laundry room. We once re-did that floor and nobody could walk on it for 72 hours. He was one hungry dog.

So, new house. His dishes have been in a cozy corner of the dining room and he has been happy with this. He's not really an enthusiastic eater, so I go through a little routine every morning involving saying 'It's the foods! Yum!' and when he licks his lips I know he'll actually eat. Fine. We're both trained.

About a week ago he started hanging out in the laundry room. This is the room through which he exits the house if he has to go potty, so I figured he was trying to tell me something. Nope. Not that. He was telling me he wants to eat in the laundry room. For various reasons that ain't gonna work, so I tried to cajole him back to the dining room.

Not gonna do it. So we'll be in the living room in the mornings and I can hear his stomach growling. He won't go eat the food. Finally I got tired of this and brought it to him in the living room. It's what he wanted. This is also not new behavior; sometimes at his old house he'd be in the laundry room, there'd be food, but he wouldn't eat it until I moved the dish closer to him....

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This is Dixie, my American Coonhound mix. She adopted us during a cold snap. I let her sleep in the washroom and fed her, and that was that. She saw an episode of "The Drew Cary Show" and apparently decided she liked Mimi's fashion statement. The second picture is Maggie, and ARF rescue. She's half Basset and half Plott hound, and all lapdog.
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