Show Your Spoiled Dog Pictures.

So I work all day every day. Happen to be recovering from a medical issue last few days. This daytime TV is murder. Every other commercial that comes on is about the unloved and abused dogs. Makes me totally sick. And yeah, they got a donation out of me. I would send them all I got not to have to see that again! I'm going back to work.....
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So... two things I do every year. Take a small PA rig and a cheap wireless mic to the local Hood River Adopt A Dog fundraiser auction. I do the same for Home At Last in the nearby town of The Dalles, OR. They are both no kill shelters. It is a couple hours of my time and usually I buy the tee shirt ... My wife is generally in tow to make sure we support more robustly on the economic front ;-)

I do a couple of local social service agencies as well. Pancake or buffet breakfast and the ‘ask’. Things are slow in the off season.

My thought is... I can, so I should... I have the gear, might as well do some good with it. If you have the gear, seeking out an opportunity to put it to work like that has been rewarding for me.
This is Billy, he is a dog we took from the folks at the Austin Animal Shelter after he had been there 358 days.
He was not eating much and was about 15 pounds underweight, he was also growling at visitors who stopped at his kennel.
Two guys from AAS saw me with my boy Loki (in my avatar pic) at a Pitbull fundraising event and brought Billy (they called him Cassidy) to meet Loki and I, and asked if I could help him, somebody had told them that I was a softy and that I could fix this dog.
We took him home and put those 15 pounds back on him quickly and worked on his attitude adjustment.
He was just a bit insecure and needed some confidence building, and soon reverted back to the nice boy that I was pretty sure he was.
This picture is Billy chillin' in his very own water bed at his forever home, his family loves him and spoils him rotten, but also makes sure that he follows the rules, they are good dog owners who had recently lost one of their Mastiffs to cancer.
The second pic is Billy with his forever Mom.
The third pic is Billy with is fat wife. :D
