Another +1 on TI flats!
Mellow and musical, easy on the fingers, and respond very well to dynamics and changes with RH technique. I can get some vintage thump or with tone up and driving the amp a nice round-like snarl, plus many more tones in between. My P + TIs take me anywhere I really want to go sonically, plus they make playing for hours easy with no soreness (have tried a lot of other flats I love, but the longer practice time I get with these is one of their best attributes IMO).
Mellow and musical, easy on the fingers, and respond very well to dynamics and changes with RH technique. I can get some vintage thump or with tone up and driving the amp a nice round-like snarl, plus many more tones in between. My P + TIs take me anywhere I really want to go sonically, plus they make playing for hours easy with no soreness (have tried a lot of other flats I love, but the longer practice time I get with these is one of their best attributes IMO).