I knew I'd get a response with that one. Take it easy, Ilia. I'm looking for info and am trying to understand the logic. I get the reality of auditioning and the necessity of the solo but in terms of the actual job the value of spending all of that time learning something that you won't use much in the day to day of orchestra playing is kind of unfortunate. If you love that rep and want to continue playing it that's great, but how many want to do that? Like I say, I'm just trying to understand the rationale of something that doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, but that applies to a lot of things.
I think the point we're all missing here is that maybe orchestras want musicians, not necessarily section members. It's relatively easy to learn to be a good section member, but if you can't make music, however well you can play excerpts and sight read, you're probably not going to make it. As someone who is thinking about starting back into the whole audition game, and having run auditions for amateur orchestras, the solo rep is the opportunity to express yourself and show that you have something worth expressing