Double Bass Someone confused me with Damon Smith!


Good enough for a town this size.
Supporting Member
Jun 29, 2005
St. Louis, Missouri
Today I played my first concert with the University City Symphony Orchestra, a semipro ensemble (the conductor, principals, and soloists are paid). It went pretty well, although Prokofiev's 2nd Piano Concerto kicked my b*tt (the common refrain is "I could have used one more rehearsal"). Afterwards, a guy named Kurt told me that he thought he'd seen me play a gig with a local jazzer named Bob Mosley. I said no, of course, and he went on to describe what the bassist did on stage. The light bulb in my head went on immediately: he had seen @damonsmith play! Of course, I told him that.

Part of me feels honored!:smug:;):thumbsup:
Today I played my first concert with the University City Symphony Orchestra, a semipro ensemble (the conductor, principals, and soloists are paid). It went pretty well, although Prokofiev's 2nd Piano Concerto kicked my b*tt (the common refrain is "I could have used one more rehearsal"). Afterwards, a guy named Kurt told me that he thought he'd seen me play a gig with a local jazzer named Bob Mosley. I said no, of course, and he went on to describe what the bassist did on stage. The light bulb in my head went on immediately: he had seen @damonsmith play! Of course, I told him that.

Part of me feels honored!:smug:;):thumbsup:
He was probably at the Ra Kalam Bob Moses gig at Joe's Cafe. It would be great if Moses lived here, but he is still in Memphis.
Today I played my first concert with the University City Symphony Orchestra, a semipro ensemble (the conductor, principals, and soloists are paid). It went pretty well, although Prokofiev's 2nd Piano Concerto kicked my b*tt (the common refrain is "I could have used one more rehearsal"). Afterwards, a guy named Kurt told me that he thought he'd seen me play a gig with a local jazzer named Bob Mosley. I said no, of course, and he went on to describe what the bassist did on stage. The light bulb in my head went on immediately: he had seen @damonsmith play! Of course, I told him that.

Part of me feels honored!:smug:;):thumbsup:
Since I don't know who that is, and I do know who you are since I am an avid Talkbass reader, I think it's more likely they confused him with you :D
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did the other part realize you were just compared to a free jazz improvising bassist while you were playing Prokofiev's 2nd Piano Concerto ?

sorry couldn't resist
First, I must say that I I don't really "get" Damon's music, but I have a lot of respect for his abilities as a musician and showman. He makes me think somewhat of Chico and Harpo Marx, two fine musicians who used their skills to entertain with music and humor.

Perhaps it was my overly-busy bow work, the frequent arco-to-pizz-to-arco-to-pizz changes in the Prokofiev - and my challenges in making those changes - that reminded the gentleman of seeing Damon. Or maybe it's just that we're both fairly large guys using German bows and keeping straight faces. I seem to be a person who reminds people of other musicians. Had I been in the audience, I would have watched our section leader; she's much better than I am, and better-looking as well.
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