After getting a few gear snob looks & comments, I kissed my Squier bye,
Yeah, some people listen with their eyes.
After getting a few gear snob looks & comments, I kissed my Squier bye,
No current, no sound. It's milliamps, but it's current.FYI pickups do not generate current.
It's not "never a good idea" - it's a patently bad idea.may be cause doom monkering does seldom work in pratice like it does on a magic table round?
Honestly, its never a good idea to power a cab with an instrument cable cause the cable capacitance may cause instability with some amps. Melting the cable insulation might be an issue if an high powerful amplifier shall power a cab in the range of 1..2kWatt
Especially amusing when such types rave about a 70s (CBS era) US Fender.Yeah, some people listen with their eyes.
Not generated by pickups.No current, no sound. It's milliamps, but it's current.
Speaker cable is sold in every electrical shop. Mains cable. I like the round rubber coated flex.
It's milliamps, but it's current.
Not generated by pickups.
It requires a battery, power supply or generator ( there are a few other ways to make current too).
A pickup is not designed to generate current.There are two possible reasons why a pickup might not generate current
A) the pickup coil is not wired to a load
B) the pickup coil is broken
Without generated current there was no voltage drop along the amplifier input resistance (typical 1MOhm for MI amplifiers) thus without current there was no sound.
I stand corrected—- the string makes it possible.A pickup is not designed to generate current.
I stand corrected—- it takes a string to complete the generator.Yes, pickups do generate small currents, in the uAmp range.
I stand corrected—- it takes a string to complete the generator.
Does it count when the drummer knocks my bass off the stand?And the bass player putting energy into it [/QUOTED
i wasn't suggesting that the cable abused the driver (i doubt his cable use did anything!). his playing/use may have abused the driver.I don't think it was really possible to abuse a driver with an instrument cable.
Does it count when the drummer knocks my bass off the stand?
Whenever there is a signal being tranfered between devices, there is current flow. Current is the movement of electrons through a conductor, no matter how miniscule.FYI pickups do not generate current.