I’m not a big drinker, I’ll have a few at a party or a night out, but I can go without for weeks/months at a time. However, I’m also not comfortable in social situations.
I’ve found that I need to have 3-4 beers each gig. One after setting up, and one in each break to settle me into socializing. I can perform all night without a drink, there’s no stage fright. There’s only off-stage fright. I like to be a little bit “lubricated” because otherwise I’m very shy, with a couple of beers I can at least shake hands and make polite small-talk with people who come out to see us.
It wasn’t a problem when we gigged once a month, but now it is 2-3 times a week and I’m worried its effecting my general wellbeing.
I know there’s a lot of non-drinkers and recovering drinker on these boards, so what’s the tip for being social without booze? Especially when 100% of your gigs are in "drinking establishments"
If I understand right, the root issue is that (1) you are uncomfortable socializing, but (2) you still want to do it, then (3) you've learned that enough alcohol helps, and the concern is that (4) the frequency of using this method is too high not to hurt your health. So you want to find another method for reducing your discomfort, mainly to change part (3).
As others have said, alcohol-free beer might be a good idea. While it is possible that your discomfort reduction really comes from the alcohol's effects on your brain, there are also recognized patterns of cue -> routine -> reward, which means that there are habits we build to make our lives easier, but such habits can also be controlled by us. In your case it could be that cue = "people approaching, social alert!", routine = "grab some beers", reward = "feel less bad about talking". It can be that the reward now comes more from the routine/habit than the alcohol itself. Something similar happens to a lot of people with drinking coffee, it's not the caffeine anymore that wakes them up but rather the habit, so drinking decaf or even a completely different drink still wakes them up. You can definitely try alcohol-free beer or any other drink, and see if is also your case.
While I don't think you can change (4), you could also look into changing (1) and (2).
I am not experienced enough to suggest how to improve (1) but I know there are methods to generally decrease discomfort and stress in general, not specific to socializing. A couple of them coming to my mind at random...
- breathing and meditation techniques are widely used to generally get more comfortable feelings at anything, both when practiced regularly and when used on the spot when you feel you need them
- third-person analysis, meaning trying to see yourself from the outside as in telling yourself "bigboy_78 is now going to feel uncomfortable, why is that, what is he afraid of, what are his options to better deal with it?" or even asking yourself "what would I do if I were bigboy_78? what should we tell him?", while they may sound silly questions, to some people they give help by changing their perception
- acknowledgement of discomfortable feelings: basically just trying to tell yourself "this is me, and this is my panic for feeling I have to socialize, it's nothing new... I acknowledge the panic, you are part of me, I can see you, I can take some panic"; again it sounds silly but it can alleviate the discomfort
You can even consider changing your perspective on (2). Do you really need to socialize? Do you really want to? Could you do something else instead in those breaks? Could you openly tell others you can't socialize like they expect you to?