Stolen Bass Guitars Update - Both Found - Recovered 1 of 2

Posted back in August 2017 that i had 2 bass guitars stolen from my house while I was on vacation. The Police found them both a couple of weeks ago, but just today I was able to get one of them back home!

Had to go to a "hearing" to prove it was mine, I was worried at first since I bought these off Craigslist a few years ago, so I don't have any paper receipts nor did I save any of the Ads, email replies or screenshots, but I did provide the serial number and description at the time of the initial Police Report and I had a couple of pics. of me playing it at a gig, so the Sheriff told me that was good enough to prove ownership They found my other guitar, but it's in a different County, so that will be a separate hearing at a later date to get that one back as well.

Back safely at home.... luckily nothing was damaged, did a quick cleaning and setup, didn't need anything really, just a good wipe down...
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I did swap the pickguard though....
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Close-up of new pickguard...
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So glad you got them back, I have had two stolen that never surfaced again
You are lucky indeed sir. Hope the Jazz was in as good of shape when when you got it back as it was when stolen. I had a nice clean non-smoking pick up truck stolen about ten years that I got back. It had several big dents and scrapes and smelled like someone had a couple of bongs of manure in it when I got it back.
This is yet another reminder to photograph and write down my serial numbers for my basses and other gear. My car was stolen right out of my front driveway a few years back, so I know there are some local a**holes around willing to rip me off. With the car, it was some stupid teenage gang-banger wannabees who got caught joyriding it around, they were speeding right by the local cops with one flat tire! I got the car back with minimal damage, but since they were all juveniles, none of them served a day in jail. With guitars it's usually off to the local Pawnshop, surprising how often stuff stays local.
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My suggestion:

When a thief was caught in certain places in the past, they cut off his hand. Here, I reccomend they use a 5 string bass as punishment. Put on a new set of strings, but in the process, wrap each one around one of the guys fingers (and thumb), and then let you tune pitch. Might want to use some really high tension strings for this.
Congrats on the recovery of your bass! That's all too rare!

Brief "stolen bass recovered" story:

Halloween night maybe 20 years ago, ago my G&L L2000 bass, and an amp and cab, were stolen.

I figured it was gone forever-- a shame b/c my mom, who'd passed, was instrumental (no pun intended) in my getting that bass (she ran a music store, I worked an entire summer at the store to save up for it). But, I contacted all the area police stations and pawn shops and left info (SN, description, etc).

2 months later, a sheriff's dept cruiser is driving down a county highway, completely routine travel. A car that was pulled over to the side suddenly tears out of there upon seeing the cop car. So, the officer gives chase, only because they were obviously fleeing him. No other reason to think twice about that car otherwise.

Chase ends in a cornfield where a door flies open as they spin out, my bass cab (SWR 4x10) tumbles out, a victim of centrifugal force. Amp in the car too. No bass. Driver arrested, they match this gear to me and contact me. I come in to identify the amp and cab and make arrangements for its return. But in the meantime, the guy's mom (he was like 20) had come in to the police station, carrying MY BASS on her shoulder, and says "I think my miserable son stole this too" and turns it in! Beloved bass with sentimental value recovered! Still have that bass.

That was pretty unlikely, but very awesome.
Wow! Good to hear both basses are recovered very lucky indeed. Also well done to the police as well. Where I live they probably wouldn't even bat an eye lid at something like this. Bigger fish to fry and all that. So your very fortunate.