Super-Heroes Play Rickenbackers

Hmmm... I'm going with-

somebody in the prop department plays a Rickenbacker, and now theirs is worth more because it was in a major motion picture. ;)

What do I win? :smug:
I'm a Propmaster, in L.A. Trust Me... if I were on that gig... it would have been a Spector. You know WHY...

Oh wait... That's Spectre. DC. Even better!!! :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:
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Watched the movie on opening night. When I noticed the Rick, I leaned over and whispered to my wife and daughter "Oooo, a Rickenbacker" I immediately received the usual, cutting side glance and a "Reeeally?!" In unison. I took my oldest daughter to watch it yesterday and told her the same thing, her response was "Ooooo pretty."

Thanks for letting me waste your time reading my useless post...

Your oldest daughter is your best daughter! ;)

A crappy screenshot, bottom right.

Super hero’s seem to be all about elaborate getups, so the Rick doesn’t surprise me.

However, I’d be Black-PBass-with-Tort-and-Flats-Man, and my super power would be solid grooves.
Hi. I noticed the fireglow and the rick name immediately, if you take a screen shot a bit further out I don't think it's a bass. I think it's the model fireglow that Tom Petty used for the cover of Damn the Torpedoes, belonging to Mike Campbell. But the head doesn't look like a 12-string 620 Fireglo DV247, the body does. It's 56:20 in just behind Ruffalo as he turns to Johannson but the CAM doesn't let you see the part where the guitar strap would attach. That is the critical view. It can't be a Townshend model because that would be too easy. I want to believe it's a Tom Petty tribute/nod by the Russo's.