Supporting Membership Rate Increase: Aug 1 2014

FYI, I've increased quotas today in prep for the price increase. SM private message inbox is now 5000 messages, Gold SM inbox is UNLIMITED. SM media quota is 600MB, Gold SM is 2GB.

Attachment quota for all users is still unlimited.
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"This one time, at banned camp..."

Well, I read the rules a few more times :angel: and I'm pretty sure it's okay to say...

In My Opinion... Sayonara Sal, you were positively perpetually psychotically psychologically perturbed and disturbed. :wacky: -> :speechless: -> :lock:
Yup, that was quick, quickest I've ever seen. Gone in 60 10 sessions. Every thread... :eyebrow: He won't be missed, he needs professional :help:.

After seeing such swift action on the matter, it prompted me to become a s'portin' member! :thumbsup:
Thank you Paul, TB staff and mods.
We all see value in different ways and must act on it in our own best interest.
It takes a lot to run this site and Paul's time and talent has value just as ours does. Thanks Paul love this place for many reasons
So stop your bit#!ing and sign up or not.
If you feel this site has value its no big deal right?
Just no SM only things that will only seperate us and united we stand!
Love & Peace:cool:
I read something about perks with a membership. I have made a few post but that is it. Is there more to this site than I know about? Just wondering if there is something I am missing or is the membership just to help the site stay afloat? Just need info on this since I do not use it much. Thanks.
I've been a supporting member for a while, but I am not sure why. It might be that the primary advantage is to be able to sell something in classifieds? Is that it?
With all the "improvements", and advertising which just make the site run slower, now you want a price increase?
Get the advertisers to pay more!

If the site slowed for you, I suspect you're computer may be a bit "aged"? The new software uses new technologies that may slow very old systems. Sorry, we can't run 10-year old and remain secure.

How many ads do you see on this page as you read this thread? Should be two (vs three on the old software with an ad in a left sidebar). Sure I could make a killing with more ads and popups! ;)
I will be adding supporting membership soon, as I have always been one in the past. However, it would be great if that membership got rid of the ads :) I have one right above the reply box now that says, "Is he cheating on you?? Enter his email address and find pics and profiles!"

At least with the old software I saw ads for those weird looking Rickenbacker meets a Pbass things :) LOL But love the site regardless, I'm just not a fan of unrelated advertising.

Thanks again for keeping the lights on Team Talkbass!!
All this belly aching about the 'steep' price increase would make me consider an annual price increase tied to the CPI and rounded to the nearest 25 cents.

It is true the CPI does give an indication on inflation. Certain items like milk, produce, and meat do increase in price year after year. However, computer technology has actually moved in the other direction with respect to the CPI for a long time. Perhaps since the 80's?
It is true the CPI does give an indication on inflation. Certain items like milk, produce, and meat do increase in price year after year. However, computer technology has actually moved in the other direction with respect to the CPI for a long time. Perhaps since the 80's?

Okay, but we're not talking about computer technology, we're talking about a computer site; a virtual club if your will. This was brought up in connection with a rate increase that hadn't been made in ten years or so, and people are complaining about a 30%~ increase in the membership. I certainly don't expect the owner to absorb the added costs of keeping this site current. While computer technology has gotten cheaper over the years, keeping pace with the changes has gotten nothing but more expensive.
Okay, but we're not talking about computer technology, we're talking about a computer site; a virtual club if your will. This was brought up in connection with a rate increase that hadn't been made in ten years or so, and people are complaining about a 30%~ increase in the membership. I certainly don't expect the owner to absorb the added costs of keeping this site current. While computer technology has gotten cheaper over the years, keeping pace with the changes has gotten nothing but more expensive.

Actually, its a 50% increase in price not 30%. (e.g. increase in price/old price = 10/20 = 50%).
Okay, but we're not talking about computer technology, we're talking about a computer site; a virtual club if your will. This was brought up in connection with a rate increase that hadn't been made in ten years or so, and people are complaining about a 30%~ increase in the membership. I certainly don't expect the owner to absorb the added costs of keeping this site current. While computer technology has gotten cheaper over the years, keeping pace with the changes has gotten nothing but more expensive.

Also, talkbass is a forum not a club. The "club" atmosphere is only created by people participating in the forum, which is actually free to do (i.e. anyone can create an account).