Tell me you're old without telling me you're old

I went out to a local early holiday dinner, on a Saturday night. In retrospect, I wonder what I was thinking to do that.
Getting there was bad, because people refuse to turn their lights on at dusk.

Getting back was even worse, because people are driving like their ass is on fire.
I may never leave home after dark again, especially on a weekend.

I posted in the "my first desktop" thread
Is that similar to the como puter thread?
I went out to a local early holiday dinner, on a Saturday night. In retrospect, I wonder what I was thinking to do that.
Getting there was bad, because people refuse to turn their lights on at dusk.

Getting back was even worse, because people are driving like their ass is on fire.
I may never leave home after dark again, especially on a weekend.

Is that similar to the como puter thread?

There is a decided lack of courtesy and compassion on the roads anymore... :rollno:
I jokingly told someone earlier this week that I do not go out after dark, especially on holidays, because of all the drunk people out there.

The topping tonight was when I was fueling up, yeah bad choice on a Saturday night.
A driver backed into a spot near me at Ramming Speed. It was lunacy!

After that I just got home as quickly as I could & have been lamenting ever since, at how almost no one out there has any common sense now.

This high-speed backup is a thing now, I see drivers doing it all the time after they pick up their groceries.
The kind of pickup where the employees bring the food to your automobile.

Music - Cranked
High-Speed reverse - check!
My Serbian friend told me they are like tiny tanks,
but those are the old boxy ones, that are scattered around Serbia & Croatia.

"The old boxy ones" could take a serious beating, but they're mostly history even in these two countries. Having said that, I recently saw one with Ukraine license plates in a town nearby. Someone actually drove that not-very-reliable (IMO/IME) antique all the way from over there. My hat's off to them, but then again I know that war sucks from first hand experience...

Lada Niva is still the best small 4x4 I've ever driven, albeit not the most comfortable one... could tie a plough to that thing and get the field work done...