Somehow even better than the Wombtone MKII. The Billy Strings Signature edition retains the many musical and useful features of its predecessor (asymmetrical waveforms, different waveforms, presets, tap tempo, ramping, expression control, MIDI control, etc.), but the addition of Slow Mode and Envelope Mode really turn things up to 11, as it were. Most highly recommended if you like phaser. Chase Bliss continues to push the envelope in their designs, and I think it's cool that with the Billy Strings Wombtone and the new Clean compressor they've revisited their original mission of "Digital Brain, Analog Heart."
Thank you!
It took
many iterations to get here, but that just means this board is built from a foundation of knowledge and experience. I've learned what strains of each effect I most like and what effects I actually use. With the completion of my two boards (this one, and a smaller one) in July,* my pedal odyssey has largely died down. In the past five years I've managed to play hundreds of pedals and my ear has greatly developed along the way. In addition to understanding what sorts of dirt I prefer, I have garnered a much better sense of how to use effects musically and intelligently in a band context. That, in turn, has helped me determine what pedals I really need. I went through many boards to get to this point, but now I feel I've achieved what I want to for my current performance needs. I've sold off just about everything not on a board. Perhaps someday if I have the money I'll toss together a home studio board with quirky, random things like the Broughton PLL, Chase Bliss Mood MKII, and various delays and reverbs (Meris LVX and MercuryX?), but I have accepted that, fun as those effects are, they aren't something I need in a live context and thus not something I can afford to keep around at this point in life.
*in September I did swap out the Wombtone MKII for a Billy Strings Wombtone on each board (yes, I like the Wombtone so much I have two units), but that's just upgrading to the most recent version so I'm not counting it as a change lol