The Bass That Changed The World!

Jul 19, 2012
Linningrad, Earth
:bassist: Happy Fender Friday! :bassist:

Celebrating 65 years of the Fender Precision electric bass guitar and the Fender Bassman amplifier. :hyper:

I think I'm going on 12 years as a happy Fender player. There was a lot of trial and error and much money spent trying to find what wound up being the humble Precision bass all along. It's not that I didn't like Fender up till that point...I was just lost in all the bells and whistles of active, coffee table-esque type basses that were far more en vogue at the time. In a way, I came back "home", as my first ever bass was a Charvel P, followed by an Ibanez P/J. After that, it was a long time before I decided on a whim to get an FSR Fender P, looked like a coffee table! I even had a set of GHS flats on it that I bought mistakenly thinking they were rounds. After playing it with my band, almost literally the first few notes, I knew this was the sound I have always been looking for. The rest is history:bassist:
Fender Precisions don't have preamps.
Go start a thread about Sires.
It's evident you aren't picking up on the heavily drenched satire, you should follow more TB threads about Fender. Can't go 5 posts without a Sire being brought about in convo.
I decided on a whim to get an FSR Fender P, looked like a coffee table! I even had a set of GHS flats on it that I bought mistakenly thinking they were rounds. After playing it with my band, almost literally the first few notes, I knew this was the sound I have always been looking for. The rest is history:bassist:
We like history! :thumbsup: