The deep freeze is ON!

My dogs (bulldog and beagle) usually start making a ruckus as soon as my car pulls into the driveway - they think we are either going for a walk or to the dog park. The first day of the freeze, I couldn't even get my bulldog out of his chair (actually, my recliner - but at times he considers it his) to leave the house.
Yipe. After kinda sorta fussing around above/below freezing for a while, winter took the gloves off. Which means I'd better put mine on. 30F as recently as Christmas day, now 13F headed for 0F tonight, prediction of -10F in a couple of days for a low, highs in the single digits. It's here.

Does get colder (usually late Jan/Feb) some years. Still, a bit brisk, and all of a sudden-like.

I used to work on the mountain in Stowe VT back in the 70s. The chairlift ride to the top at 7 AM was especially festive, since it was an ancient, very slow single seater. Festive...yeah, that's the ticket. When I ran the parking lot crew we'd do ten minute shifts on the really bad days.

Freezing rain in The Gorge today. No bueno.
The geese flying southwest over our place(about 90 miles south-southwest of Houston) happened last week. THAT is my indication every year for the last 27+ years that winter's cold is not far behind. We already had a "freak" snow event(3rd ever since we've been here) earlier.

We also know that winter is officially over and spring is about to be sprung when the geese fly over headed back to where they came from.

I believe these are the birds(white ones mostly) we see and hear(at night) as they fly over. They land in and around a "designated wetland area"(mosquito factory in the summer) and spill over onto farmlands around it.
Snow goose - Wikipedia

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Week after NYE hear is supposed to be a hard freeze with freeze at night for a week, 26 miles from the Gulf of Mexico.