One of my bands is an original heavy metal act which has been using tracks to play my keyboard parts (as we do not have a live keyboard player) as of the past couple years.
I wouldn’t say we “heavily layer” the tracks at all, rather the keys just provide some flavour and atmosphere. The guitar, bass, and vocals still lead our music.
But I don’t think it matters if there’s layers. I’ve seen plenty of bands use layered tracks, in fact some of the most popular bands playing similar music to us (even legendary bands) layer quite heavily and it works fine.
If you’re worried about other musicians cutting you down for using them, don’t. Some people won’t dig it, but that’s their problem. It’s your art.
And for the record, other musicians on the same shows as us generally come up after our set and say things like “I like the synth sounds, how do you guys do that?”, and then upon explaining that it’s tracks, the response is often “it adds a cool layer to your sound!”.
That’s just my experience, but it’s always a positive one. I say go for it!