Tiny frets; easier or harder to play on?my n

My new bass purchase from last week has really tiny “vintage” style frets. I’m wondering what the consensus is on whether they are easier or harder to play on or just different. For me it seems that I actually have to be a little more careful and attentive to fret a note properly. What say you. They actually seem smaller in real life than the photo.
I did some measurements with calipers and was surprised to see that they are actually the same width as the frets on my RW jazz. They are however about ten thousandths lower @ approximately .030 in height, which would explain the feeling of almost playing right on the board.
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My new bass purchase from last week has really tiny “vintage” style frets. I’m wondering what the consensus is on whether they are easier or harder to play on or just different. For me it seems that I actually have to be a little more careful and attentive to fret a note properly. What say you. They actually seem smaller in real life than the photo.

Smaller frets sustain a little less and wear out sooner than bigger frets. That's about it.
To me, taller frets seem easier to play in the sense that it feels like you don' have to press down as hard to fret a note. However, because the frets are taller, the strings are higher off the fretboard even though the action (distance from the top of the fret from the bottom of the string) is the same.
To me, taller frets seem easier to play in the sense that it feels like you don' have to press down as hard to fret a note. However, because the frets are taller, the strings are higher off the fretboard even though the action (distance from the top of the fret from the bottom of the string) is the same.
My brain is struggling with the physics. Do you really have to press down less hard? The distance from the string to the fret is what determines how hard you have to press down. That is determined by your action, not the fret size.
I love the feel of tiny frets. I built a telecaster and accidentally reached for the mandolin fretwire... and I loved it! My next bass build is definitely getting smaller vintage spec wire. A lot of people enjoy the huge railroad tie frets, but I like my fingers being closer to the fingerboard and "feeling" the wood when I'm fretting.
I greatly prefer smaller frets. Although, the only bass I have with them is a Road Worn Precision. It's hard to explain, but that bass has an amazing neck and I think a lot of that is the smaller frets. I find them anything but hard to play. My RW is capable of insanely low action.

I like them so much I am having them put on a custom build.
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