Pork comes in many forms. Bacon is awesome, as is a nice Carolina pulled pork sandwich. As long as you're not fooling yourself into thinking a can of Spam is Franklin BBQ I'd say you're doing just fine.
Personally, I am using a $350 Kala U-bass as much as my $1,300 Lakland because people love its sound. I think am going to cough up $500 for a five string U-bass pretty soon too.
I don't buy anything if it doesn't click with me on all fronts (i.e. sound, feel, and playability) within about five minutes of my first picking it up. So (except for one time) I've never had regrets about anything I bought. I also don't hang onto anything I'm not playing for any length of time. I'm not a collector or an investor. I only buy players.
But I do understand trading down. Since I don't have a need for a Fender bass all that often, I've since given away all my MIA Fenders to young musicians who I thought were long on talent and commitment in families short on funds. I've replaced them with a few CV-grade Squiers, which are more than capable of delivering what I want from them when I need a JB or PB.
Pork comes in many forms. Bacon is awesome, as is a nice Carolina pulled pork sandwich. As long as you're not fooling yourself into thinking a can of Spam is Franklin BBQ I'd say you're doing just fine.
Now that you mention it....Sounds you are midnight snacking!
There are so many meanings hidden there that even I have't decoded them all yet. Hold that thought. I think I heard something downstairs in the kitchen...I think there's some innuendo in there.
Giving away those Fenders was awesome!
I'm probably going to unload my mint condition Godin L.R.Baggs Acoustibass fretless very shortly because I find myself mostly playing an inexpensive used Aria TSB-350 I recently picked up off the TB classifieds. Much to my surprise I like it's 32" scale better than the Godin's 34" for fretless playing. And it has tone to last for days.
So, as CSN would say, If you can't be with the bass you love, love the one you're with?My current main interest is a sweet little MIM J bass I gave $175 for. I've hopped it up some, but i'm still well under $350 and it rocks hard. It's a beater so it's been a pass around pack at jams and just about everyone who plays it loves it, including me.
I'll go you 1 better. My Spector Euro has been sidelined for a Warwick Rockbass Streamer.