Unpopular/Controversial opinions about bass players, playing bass, basses and bass gear!

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I don't think 'cool' suddenly stops. I think it decays exponentially, that is to say it has a half-life. So, firstly, this means that, provided there was some there to begin with, there will always be a little bit left. Secondly, and more importantly, given that the bass player is always the coolest member of the band, bass players remain cooler for longer. Finally, this means that in any band they can be almost twice as old as the next oldest member and still be the coolest member of the band. OK, I made that bit up, but you get the picture.

Exactly....just look at Ron Carter. :)
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That definition doesn't make people a collective noun. A collective noun is followed by a singular verb, like "the team is ...". People is a plural noun and is followed by are. Take the sentence as "People here are hungry." That sentence could mean all the people here or some of the people here. The context of the statement would determine how much of the group is included in the statement. The only thing precluded in the sentence is no people being hungry.

I concede that people is a plural noun (nomenclature error on my part...my bad), but the plural of people is peoples.
If you wear black T-Shirts 90% of the time and think you’re cool by doing so, you should consider expanding your wardrobe. That fad has passed.

The same goes for musicians who dress in leather pants and head scarves just to go to the supermarket. You’re not glamorous or exotic. You’re a painful idiot.

Buy a Hawaiian shirt or two.
Lol-What if almost your entire wardrobe is black because it's your favorite color and you like it because it matches your tattoos and the color of your soul that you sold and don't care what other people think?

Asking for a friend...

Thanks! \m/
Lol-What if almost your entire wardrobe is black because it's your favorite color and you like it because it matches your tattoos and the color of your soul that you sold and don't care what other people think?

Asking for a friend...

Thanks! \m/

In that case, your “friend” likely has a long and promising future as a bassist.
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