Their service and reliability are outstanding. I rely on them every day for my projects. And of the hundreds of packages my office ships daily to “just in time” installation projects I haven’t had a single missed delivery or lost shipment issue in 3 years.
And if you’ve ever seen the guy with the clip board and the ticker walking behind your driver, that supervisor is counting steps. Anyone who would ever accuse a UPS employee of underperforming has never seen a UPS employee.
Those drivers want and deserve a raise, just like you do. But I don’t hear any drivers or sorters or loaders complaining about you wanting your fair wage.
FWIW most residential parcel deliveries by UPS, FedEx, USPS are loss to break-even unless you live in a congested high rise with consolidated receiving.
More than half your friends and family rely on UPS for their own job.
Worth it.