I have a small Muff thing going on. I have SP mk II, and a Stomp Under Foot Civil War. I almost got a HoofReaper too. I think I might indulge in the new EHX Green Russian, it's so cheap why not? I've always wanted to get the Pharoah and the Imperial, too. If only I were in a band that would better justify my noise obsession.
Pfat sounding Synthy fuzz, overdrives that sound like a tuba and and envelopes. I have a few delays in the graveyard too because they become obsolete. I was almost prevented from getting my latest envelope (a Keeley Neutrino) by a Guitar Center clerk. And at my age (97) shame on me, I was 1st discouraged by an arrogant EU Wurlitzer clerk in 1978! I though I was immune by now...but after he said, "it's for guitar only, man" I left because I was in a bit of a hurry. I went back the next week having done my homework (it's got a low pass setting), got 2 cables and a onespot from the older guy at the trade desk ignoring the original clerk's inability to find 2 chords and power, and I'm actually liking it quite a bit now that it's on the board. Allot lighter than the Maxon that it replaced and the filter frequency range is great.
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For me it's muffs. I have had many but I'm down to 3 right now which means I can get more!!!
I'm not really an FX guy, but if you are into Muffs, check out the BYOC Large Beaver. They have people that will build it for you if that's not your thing. You can get different specs (triangle or rams head), and it has a really cool 4 way EQ thing. One of the settings takes the EQ out of he circuit all together and it is massive!
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I'm not really an FX guy, but if you are into Muffs, check out the BYOC Large Beaver. They have people that will build it for you if that's not your thing. You can get different specs (triangle or rams head), and it has a really cool 4 way EQ thing. One of the settings takes the EQ out of he circuit all together and it is massive!
i've read a bit about but i'll look into it more for sure.