Very Sad News to Share

Those who know me her know I am a bit of a clown, but today I am very sad. I thought about whether I should even post this news, but I thought some might want to know.
My dear wife, Joanna, passed away Wednesday morning.
I've been dealing with arrangements and haven't visited TB since then, so forgive me for the delay.
For my friends in the DFW area, services will be 12:00 March 17, 2018, at
Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church
2016 Willis Lane
Keller, Texas 76248
We will also have a wake following at the Knights of Columbia Hall near the church
1907 Whitley Rd
Keller, TX 76248

Sorry for your loss.
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Those who know me her know I am a bit of a clown, but today I am very sad. I thought about whether I should even post this news, but I thought some might want to know.
My dear wife, Joanna, passed away Wednesday morning.
I've been dealing with arrangements and haven't visited TB since then, so forgive me for the delay.
For my friends in the DFW area, services will be 12:00 March 17, 2018, at
Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church
2016 Willis Lane
Keller, Texas 76248
We will also have a wake following at the Knights of Columbia Hall near the church
1907 Whitley Rd
Keller, TX 76248
Sending my condolences.
I am so sorry to hear this. I wish you peace and comfort. If there's anything we can do for you here, please let us know.
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Adding you and your family to prayer lists for getting through this rough time and for dealing with the future. Apology for being tardy here is not needed, we are here for you.
a body blow. how sad for you and your family. please take care of yourself (eat, sleep, laugh, cry) through these roughest of moments. i wish you the very best while working through your loss. one day at a time. peace and strength to you and your family, dave.

I don't know you, but I can share your grief and pain.

And the positive aspects are that you feel that you can & want to share that news here, and that the replies & condolences that follow are all straight from the heart. That is probably the best that TB forum has to offer.
May Joanna Rest in Peace; I know that she will always be with you in Spirit.
I will pray the chaplet of divine mercy for your wife.
Seems like everyone uses the Psalm 23 for these occasions, but I like Psalm 42, "As A Deer Longs for running water, I long for you my Lord". The prayer presented in the Psalm, has given me comfort, and It is my prayer, Your wife, is with the Lord.
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I am so very sorry to hear of your wife's passing, and have been there too nearly 8 years ago with my wife. It's beyond devastating, especially if it was unexpected like my wife's was. The only thing that helped was loving up our pets, and time ... lots & lots of time. I didn't come back to TB for 1 1/2 years, and didn't play my basses either. I'll pray for you, and your wife.