Walkabout into a 2x12

yep, you got it ...@Swamp Ronin, the 30hz para is not the same as an HPF. The parametric is pretty wide and while it will cut lows it also draws down some frequencies you may want to keep. The HPF is more focused and does not take out frequencies you want to keep ... unless you set it too high. I tend to set mine at around 80hz-ish and it works great with the WA. I happen to use an fDeck v3, and have been very happy with it. The fDeck is a two filter HPF. One is set permanently at 35hz and the other is adjustable from 35-140hz. Both filters are 12dB/octave so, while not a brick wall by any means, it does tend to be much more focused than an EQ control.
So @agedhorse , just to clarify- if I throw a Eminence Deltalite 2512 into my scout, and grab a subway 1x12, I’ll be good to go? Sounds like an awesome, modular setup.
I think it will be pretty close, though I haven't done a full analysis on the Scout cabinets. Does your scout have the passive radiator on the bottom? There may have been some early ported Scouts, I do not know for sure.
My scout has the passive radiator, which is pretty cool, although I have no idea what it does. I’m guessing it uses the floor to spread sub frequencies?
No, it's used like a port in an enclosure to tune the resonance of the enclosure as a system to the resonance (and other parameters) of the driver. It's a way to achieve tunings that may be difficult or impossible with a port. It's not one of my products, and I never got into passive radiators much.
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Also, @agedhorse i just figured out that you worked at genz? The first real amp I bought was a GBE600 and the 4x10 with it. I spent my high school graduation money on it. If you’re the guy behind that, let me salute you, because that was a great amp for a killer price.
Also, @agedhorse i just figured out that you worked at genz? The first real amp I bought was a GBE600 and the 4x10 with it. I spent my high school graduation money on it. If you’re the guy behind that, let me salute you, because that was a great amp for a killer price.
Yes, that was me, Jeff and Scott.
No, it's used like a port in an enclosure to tune the resonance of the enclosure as a system to the resonance (and other parameters) of the driver. It's a way to achieve tunings that may be difficult or impossible with a port. It's not one of my products, and I never got into passive radiators much.

The Scout was designed with both a radiator and a port! Wild cards to consider when looking for a replacement speaker is that the 12 combo had an 8" radiator and the plain non combo had a 10" radiator. Likely to compensate in some way for the extra volume that the amp takes up in the combo scout. The external dimensions were the same for both.

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Interesting, I knew there were some with ports and some with passive radiators, but not both. It appears that there were more versions built than I knew about. Combining ports and passive radiators would be difficult to calculate accurately IME.
Does this mean back to the drawing board for my delta lite plans....?
No, because that's close to what the original 8 ohm driver was.

This might explain why the 4 ohm driver was not suitable at the higher power levels it would receive though.
Port and a passive radiator?

Yeah that is very weird.

All in All its not much different than people use multiple ports at different lengths.
It doesn't produce a multi tuned box like people think.

The combined port area still forms a single Fb or tune frequency.
It can just slightly spread out the overall Q of the port tuning.

With a passive radiator the Fb or tuning would shift depending on how much excursion
there is.

So which way it shifts you would have to simulate.
The port length is static the radiator is moving.

So if you had high excursion, it would beneficial if tuning was lowered.
Almost like the passive radiator could help reduce unloading.

Basically with high excursion the passive radiator constantly changes the tuning
if it goes high or lower...dont know
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I had several WA and Scout cabs (12's and 15's) over the few years after I first got my 2nd gen Walkabout combo. I used the WA in a 2x12, 12+15 and 15+15 format before turning away from the WA/Scout cabs and moving to Berg 2x12's (CN and NV) as well as a monstrous WA+NV610 rig for a while. The WA/Scout's all had passive radiators, but I never saw one that had a port too ... they did have HF horns with the "Player Network" control, but not ports in my memory.

I still have one WA 12" cab with its "tone luggage" wheeled carrier. It was very helpful with the 12" format, but I recall it was less helpful with the 15" format which was kind of bulky. Also, it was a user installed item (at least for mine) and you had to be very careful of how you attached the mating brackets so you got enough street clearance with the small-ish wheels and did not end up scuffing the tolex off the bottom of the cabs .... which I did on one of my earlier 12's.