What’s up with the ads in threads?


Have You Met Grace Jones?
Supporting Member
Jun 8, 2008
Montreal, Canada
Just today I noticed that ads are now popping up in the middle of threads (between posts). Is anyone else seeing this? There have long been ads at the tops and bottoms of TB threads but the in-the-middle ads are new to me. And no, I don’t want to expand my business to Nigeria. Annoying and invasive in a way that the other ad locations aren’t.
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Have never seen an ad on TalkBass.

I'm inundated with ads on YouTube and streaming music sites.
Yes, I use AdBlock Plus, but even before ABP I never saw ads on TB.

Use 'FaceBook Purity' for FB which is really effective for blocking ads and tailoring what one sees on the FaceBook feed.
End goal here is to get one header banner and one footer banner for Supporting Members. We had a miscommunication and they turned on the sticky footer banner for Supporters. Will get that fixed.

Gold supporters see zero ads (when logged in).

Members should have the same number of ads before (we had a header, 3 in-content ads, and a footer) although they have increased in size with the new ad provider.

Guests will see the most ads so be sure you are logged in.
If you are a supporting member and seeing more than 2 ads per page, please try clearing your browser cache. Supporters should only see 2 ads per page.

I cleared my cache (using Google Chrome) which also logged me out. Logged back in and still getting the ads. 4 big ones per page. 1 on top, and 3 separating posts.
End goal here is to get one header banner and one footer banner for Supporting Members. We had a miscommunication and they turned on the sticky footer banner for Supporters. Will get that fixed.

Gold supporters see zero ads (when logged in).

Members should have the same number of ads before (we had a header, 3 in-content ads, and a footer) although they have increased in size with the new ad provider.

Guests will see the most ads so be sure you are logged in.
I'm OK with the number of ads I see. No huhu.


In the past few days, it's been taking "forever" (almost a full minute*) to completely load a page. It also "refreshes" several times. A page will l look like it's all there, but if you start scrolling, it jumps back to the starting point.

I'm getting a lot of "Are you sure you want to like this post?" messages, because the page hasn't completely loaded yet, and I'm already engaging with it.

* I'm not exaggerating on the time. Like I said, it looks all there, but the "refresh indicator" keeps lighting up. Over and over.
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If the ads weren’t so flippin’ oversized, they might be acceptable. They’re huge; this is half my iPad screen in horizontal view. And like the previous post indicated, the ads take forever to load, making the content jump erratically.
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Guests will see the most ads so be sure you are logged in.
I do not mind ads and even enjoy some here on TB.

As a guest/first time visitor to a site, if it is loaded with ads I will never get past the first page or return.
I fear that too many ads for first time visitors/guests will prevent New Members from joining.

Tried TB not logged in and if it was that way before, a second visit never would have happened. :(
I do not mind ads and even enjoy some here on TB.

As a guest/first time visitor to a site, if it is loaded with ads I will never get past the first page or return.
I fear that too many ads for first time visitors/guests will prevent New Members from joining.

Tried TB not logged in and if it was that way before, a second visit never would have happened. :(


I found TB by doing Google searches (asking questions - TB threads had the answers)

If I did that today I would head right back to the Google search results and pick something else.

Just saying.

As others have said, we all understand the need for ads, but there has to be a better way.
Yeah... I just did the same. Logged out, visited as if I were a first timer. Not pretty. Seems like a cheap clickbait site, with all the popups and whatnot. I'd have done the same... one visit, waited about two seconds and out with the first popup. Not for me.
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Confirmed this issue. Can you please try switching to the default style and see if it changes?

Interesting that the dark theme (what I use) has 4 or more ads, where the default theme only has the intended amount. Viewing PMs in the dark theme is worse than viewing threads. I guess I'll be switching to default until this gets sorted.
I do not mind ads and even enjoy some here on TB.

As a guest/first time visitor to a site, if it is loaded with ads I will never get past the first page or return.
I fear that too many ads for first time visitors/guests will prevent New Members from joining.

Tried TB not logged in and if it was that way before, a second visit never would have happened. :(

Have to agree, and I know ad revenue matters. I keep a lot of TB tabs open on my iPad, and for around the past 10 days, tabs not refreshed with an active login have begun spawning distracting floating autoplay video ads.

Logging into TB blocks them, but now I must log in and refresh tabs every time I visit in order to tolerate browsing.

Would you want somebody waving a feather under your nose while you're reading?

"Commercials make her mad, commercials make her really mad. Commercials are little funerals for every lost thought."
- X (the band) The Stage