I never said the OPs bass. I said the one in the ad. He asked why the one in the ad was worth more than his. Try reading before criticizing.Well said. The OP never said that.
However, Thumpin6string did say it.
My statement still stands.
I never said the OPs bass. I said the one in the ad. He asked why the one in the ad was worth more than his. Try reading before criticizing.Well said. The OP never said that.
However, Thumpin6string did say it.
My statement still stands.
Really?Thumpin6string did not state that OP's bass was made in the USA.
Thumpin6string was explaining why the price difference existed between the ad that OP showed and the other, similar basses that OP could find. It was already long since made obvious that OP's bass was Korean and Thumpin6string never once said that OP's bass was something it isn't.
Nobody's going to dispute that you're the guy that knows the most about Dean basses on this forum, but to misunderstand what he was saying and then come at him like you did, finishing with that "Too many peeps talking about something they know little about" when it was you who didn't make sure you knew what he was talking about, and then doubling down once that's pointed out, is patently ridiculous.
I must have read it wrong?
My point is way too many on TB talk about things they know very little about and spread it which causes much confusion.
I hadn't heard of Trans Brazilia Mahogany before, will read up, thanks.
Transbrazilia is not a wood.Trans Brazilia;
Trans (across, moved, transported)
Brazilia (Brazil, a South American country)
Translation: dragged through the forest in Brazil, where they've already dragged too much of the coveted Mahogany, Rosewood, etc. out, so if you find any instrument containing said materials, it's far more valuable than that crap on the open market, 'cause it's friggin illegal to drag any more out of Brazil.
No tonal advantages either expressed or implied. YMMV
(Um, yeah. It's just Mahogany)
He then goes to another Dean thread and has an attitude there and blames it on getting riled from the misinformation from this thread. Gotta love it.Yes, I'd say you did. You were so ready to see something wrong that you didn't stop to think about what was actually being said or spoken about. If you go back to the first page, and actually clink the link to the sale ad that OP posted, you'll see what Thumpin6string was actually talking about, and you'll see that it isn't the bass that OP posted in the first post, the one that they said they inherited, at all.
Your point would land better if you'd made sure that you weren't falling right in that same trap.
I thank all of you for the great information that has relieved most of my own queries.
It seems that both the USA Custom model
and my $300-value Korean-made one have this same Transbrazilia wood/finish because they at least look indistinguishable, except for the “Made in Korea” birthmark. The USA Custom model has the EMG pups and mine has “Dean” humbuckers which are EMG-ish anyhow? Does anyone know the qualitative difference?
Also… until I am able to sell this thing, can I string-up the left-handed bass in a right-handed way without destroying the nut and play it as such until I make a sale, or am I asking for trouble? I can always restring it in Lefty fashion once a sale is made. I’m not an aggressive player but my style is sorta folkish singy-songwriterish so my touch is on the gentler side. My plan is to order a “Hofner” Club Bass from a certain eastern country on a certain eastern site for only
$288. I don’t like the violin shaped ones as much, or at least their body shape. The Club style bass has a Les Paul type body shape and supposedly feels much more comfortable sitting on one’s lap, let alone strapped to one’s shoulder. The thump of the hollow and semi-hollows have thoroughly seduced me and my funds will allow for this eastern compromise. The only solid body instrument that comes close to a passable “thump” to me are the (Fender/Squire) Bass VI’s but they don’t ring like their hollow-body counterparts. I gotta have the thump. Who can relate to my need for hollow-body thump?
Fix her up and put strings on. You may be pleasantly surprised. I've been grabbing up Dean Edge sixxers for about $400 used. Out of the five I've acquired, 2 are my favorites, one is an early 90s neckthrough (Shrimp Fork headstock) and plays like a far more expensive guitar. The other is an 06 (Gumby headstock) I bought new and feels/sounds great too. It's hard if not impossible to determine the exact year when they're built in Korea. I do know that the builds are being done in Indonesia now. I dumped the stock EMG pups and I installed aguilar dual coils on those two favorites. They're a well built guitar for the price. I don't know why resale is so bottom dollar, but I'm ok with that.