What basses are on your “Want To Try” list?

Something I always enjoy is scanning the wall at my local music shops, particularly the used section, to see what interesting basses I might find to try out and compare to the ones I have, and the ones I’ve played previously.

It’s been helpful in figuring out what I look for in a bass, I suppose! Although sometimes those preferences aren’t always set in stone.

What are some you haven’t encountered yet that you’d like to check out?

For me it’s these:

• Gibson Ripper
• Gibson Grabber
• Gibson RD Artist
• Ovation Magnum III or IV (as I’ve tried the earlier models)
• Any Kramer aluminum neck bass
• Ibanez MC900
• Peavey T40
Seconded on the Sereks and Alembics!

Never seen any Sereks around here, but I could hypothetically check out an Alembic or two… thing is it’s a three-hour drive to the only dealer in my state.

I always think about it, but haven’t yet. Would love to try a Series I or Stanley Clarke model.

Or a Scorpion, if we’re talking vintage!
A vintage instrument that feels good to play. I swear every time I see a vintage P or J in a store I get all excited until I plug it in and start playing. Usually feels and sounds like poopie and I wonder why they are so coveted. Probably just a setup/repair issue but man it really turned me off to vintage gear, especially once you see the price tag.
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