I was wondering what you would put in this board?
I have a tuner, into a Darkglass Vintage Ultra v2 Preamp, Pharaoh BATW Fuzz, Damnation Audio Distortion, and Minotaur Swamp Lord fuzz, (Muff clone with mids) into a Walrus Fanthom Reverb pedal.
Later I have added a Delay pedal infront of the Reverb.
I also switched the Pharaoh Fuzz in the place of the Swamp Lord, which made my tone alot better!
I only use one of the Fuzz/Distortion at a time for different songs..
I play loud heavy rock metal in Drop C tuning, (CGCF).
Maby I should get a compressor pedal? Or a Noise gate?
Like a supply pedal instead of another effect pedal to make the sound smoother or more articulate.
I also wonder what you guys think is the best to have the preamp first in the pedalboardchain, or last, after all the effects..?
I was wondering what you would put in this board?
I have a tuner, into a Darkglass Vintage Ultra v2 Preamp, Pharaoh BATW Fuzz, Damnation Audio Distortion, and Minotaur Swamp Lord fuzz, (Muff clone with mids) into a Walrus Fanthom Reverb pedal.
Later I have added a Delay pedal infront of the Reverb.
I also switched the Pharaoh Fuzz in the place of the Swamp Lord, which made my tone alot better!
I only use one of the Fuzz/Distortion at a time for different songs..
I play loud heavy rock metal in Drop C tuning, (CGCF).
Maby I should get a compressor pedal? Or a Noise gate?
Like a supply pedal instead of another effect pedal to make the sound smoother or more articulate.
I also wonder what you guys think is the best to have the preamp first in the pedalboardchain, or last, after all the effects..?