
I was wondering what you would put in this board?
I have a tuner, into a Darkglass Vintage Ultra v2 Preamp, Pharaoh BATW Fuzz, Damnation Audio Distortion, and Minotaur Swamp Lord fuzz, (Muff clone with mids) into a Walrus Fanthom Reverb pedal.

Later I have added a Delay pedal infront of the Reverb.
I also switched the Pharaoh Fuzz in the place of the Swamp Lord, which made my tone alot better!
I only use one of the Fuzz/Distortion at a time for different songs..

I play loud heavy rock metal in Drop C tuning, (CGCF).

Maby I should get a compressor pedal? Or a Noise gate?
Like a supply pedal instead of another effect pedal to make the sound smoother or more articulate.

I also wonder what you guys think is the best to have the preamp first in the pedalboardchain, or last, after all the effects..?

Really the only thing your board is missing is blank space ;).
But seriously, with all that dirty gain, depending on your playing style a noise gate might do you good.
When adding fuzz I use an unruly 60's clone that makes noise if I even breathe on the strings. Putting a gate in front of it makes quite a difference and really emphasizes my rests.
I suggest a gate that gives you an instant mute, not a slow fade like a Boss Noise Suppressor. I use a Pigtronix Gatekeeper and it works great.
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+1 on HPF

While you have a lot of EQ within the pedals themselves, you don't have a dedicated EQ.

EQ can be extremely versatile, use it to:
- fix the tone of a problem pedal;
- fix the tone of a room, such as notching out a standing wave freq;
- reshape distortion (as already mentioned, it changes sound also depending on pre/post positioning;
- use it like a second "channel"
- use it as a boost without getting woofy or shrill (or without both)
- something else I'm surely forgetting.

The other change I'd maybe make, is getting rid of one of the two muffs on your board for a sub-octave such as the Meatbox, Density Hulk or similar.